Gallery of Work

We produce a lot of work in a variety of forms of media. Here are some examples!

  • Lupine Roots and Bacteria

    Erica Hernandez

    Infographic produced for a Science Communication course providing background on Lupine plants and their root zone inhabitants.

  • Cartoon

    Robyn Dove

    Cartoon created for a Microbial Ecology course to translate scientific research for the public (2019). Citation: Sharaf, H., Rodrigues, R.R., Moon, J., Zhang, B., Mills, K., and Williams, M.A. (2019) Unprecedented Bacterial Community Richness in Soybean Nodules Vary with Cultivar and Water Status. Microbiome 7:63.

  • Hipposideros curtus

    Amanda Grunwald

    Artwork of Hipposideros curtus, an endangered Afrotropical bat species

  • Bat Diversity

    Amanda Grunwald

    Figure exemplifying the bat diversity found on Mbam Minkom Mountain.

  • "The Magical Fruit: More than You Ever Wanted to Know about Beans"

    Robyn Dove

    Infographic produced for a Science Communication Course (2020)

    Click Here For The Full Image

  • Lester Newman Award

    Robyn Dove

    modeling her Lester Newman Research Scholars Award (2018) for her grant proposal, “Opportunistic Association to Rhizobia: A Potential Competitive Strategy of the Invasive Weed, Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius)”.

Hyph ancom site: Fold-changes of select hyphosphere-associated bacteria between study sites. Nathan Stewart (2023)

PCA tiss order: PCA plot of fruitbody-associated bacterial communities. Nathan Stewart (2023)

Scotch broom, watercolor, Adrienne Godschalx

Rhizosphere exudates, watercolor, Adrienne Godschalx

Poster presented by Robyn Dove at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting (Aug. 9th, 2023, Portland).

Poster presented by Amanda Grunwald (2013) to the American Mammalogy Society in Anchorage, AK.